Thursday, July 16, 2009

When guys take over Jane Austen

I first heard of this book earlier this year when it was suggested for me by Amazon. You know one of those annoying emails that fill up your inbox and you know you should ignore them, but they still make you curious enough to open them? Any hoo, I was appalled at first because the very idea of messing with Jane Austen is just taboo in my book, especially when you make Elizabeth Bennett fight zombies while verbally sparring with Mr. Darcy. Here is a link to my original view point of this book, written in the heat of the moment.

However, a copy came into the Undergrad today and - I'm curious. I mean ... who would come up with mixing zombies and Jane Austen? Really? Even for a guy it's a little far-fetched. So I'm curious and I think I may read it but, I'm still not sure if it will ruin one of my favorite books of all time. However, I can always fall back on North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell if I want an untainted English comedy of manners with a tall, dark, handsome, and brusk male lead.

I will keep you aprised of any further developments.